Russia Uses High Tech Smart Bombs to Wipe Out US Sponsored Al Qaeda Terrorists. Panic in Rebel Ranks

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‘The entire free world wants terrorism defeated. Russia leads the effort to confront it head-on,

On October 3, Tass said Russian aircraft conducted over 60 sorties so far, bombing 50 ISIS targets, causing consternation in its ranks. National Defence Control Centre Col. General Andrey Kartapolov said “aircraft have been taking off from the Hmeimim air base (night and day), targeting the whole of Syria.”

“In the past three days we have managed to disrupt the terrorists’ infrastructure and to substantially degrade their combat capabilities. Intelligence reports say that militants are leaving the areas under their control.”

“A bunker-busting BETAB-500 air bomb dropped from a Sukhoi Su-34 bomber near Raqqa has eliminated the command post of one of the terror groups, together with an underground storage facility for explosives and munitions.”’

Read more: Russia Uses High Tech Smart Bombs to Wipe Out US Sponsored Al Qaeda Terrorists. Panic in Rebel Ranks

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