Serbian Sanctions Against Russia Would Be Political ‘Suicide’


‘If Belgrade joins the EU in its policy of anti-Russian sanctions, it would mean that Serbia has lost its independence and turned into a colony, said Sandra Raskovic-Ivic, the president of the Democratic Party of Serbia.

The government of Serbia wants to join the EU, but it has repeatedly stated in the past that Serbia won’t join EU-wide sanctions against Russia.However, one of the essential conditions for Serbia to get closer with the EU would be to join the sanctions, Serbian newspaper Blic said, citing diplomatic sources in Belgrade.For Serbia it would be the equivalent of a political suicide. The desire of certain Serbian politicians to get EU membership is over-obsessive and can be characterized as “Euro-fanatism,” Raskovic-Ivic said, adding that the pro-EU ideals aren’t popular among ordinary Serbs.’

Read more: Serbian Sanctions Against Russia Would Be Political ‘Suicide’

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