Snowden: GCHQ Can Secretly Take ‘Total Control’ Over Your Smartphone

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‘British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters can take “total control” of a smartphone without its user’s knowledge, said former NSA contractor turned whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Snowden told the BBC’s Panorama that GCHQ could gain access to a handset by sending it an encrypted text message and use it for such things as taking pictures and listening in.

Both the GCHQ and NSA have invested heavily in technology allowing them to hack smartphones, he added, saying the agencies “want to own your phone instead of you.”

GCHQ controls phones using the agency’s “Smurf Suite,” a collection of secret intercept capabilities individually named after the tiny blue cartoon characters.’

Read more: Snowden: GCHQ Can Secretly Take ‘Total Control’ Over Your Smartphone

The post Snowden: GCHQ Can Secretly Take ‘Total Control’ Over Your Smartphone appeared first on David Icke.

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