Temple Professor Claims Aliens Have Abducted Millions of Humans


‘No need to look to the stars in our search for extraterrestrial life; aliens might already be here among us on Earth…Or at least that’s what retired Professor David M. Jacobs thinks.

According to Jacobs, extraterrestrial beings have been abducting and sexually molesting humans the world over for aeons, all to create a hybrid race of alien-humans who walk the earth unnoticed but will eventually take over the planet.

But Jacobs isn’t your typical UFOlogist. Tenured for 36 years as a Professor of American History at Temple University, Jacobs is a 71 year old intellectual-type who, according to Philly.com makes his case with “well-reasoned, articulate explanations and applies scholarly approach to his research which he has shared in four books- printed by well-known and academic publishers.”‘

Read more: Temple Professor Claims Aliens Have Abducted Millions of Humans

The post Temple Professor Claims Aliens Have Abducted Millions of Humans appeared first on David Icke.

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