The Headlines So Far Today – 24 October 2015

TruthOutHersh Vindicated? Turkish Whistleblowers Corroborate Story on False Flag Sarin Attack in Syria[SH: Crazy if true. Crazy because not only have I not seen this story covered by any MSM, but the vitriol lodged at the likes of Sy Hersh for reporting on this possibility at the time was so massive]. – Under Pressure, City Council in Louisiana Rejects Plan to Create Misdemeanor Jail[SH: This model of shaking down and criminalizing the poor in America is something which ought to be more discussed; but, alas, we can only hate the things our ‘enemies’ do].

Telegraph – Eurozone crosses Rubicon as Portugal’s anti-euro Left banned from power[SH: yet another event which has failed to gain any interest in MSM; remarkable story; shocking quotes from president of Portugal. Methinks if we didn’t have such a brilliantly engineered right vs left ‘culture,’ more would be outraged on the basis of principle].

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