The Religious Mindset – Gateway to a New Dark Age


‘There couldn’t be a more pertinent backdrop to this article than the soci0-religious marriage taking place on the world stage right now. The Jesuit Pope endorsing these global social engineering programs disguised as caring for an ailing planet is a perfect example of mass manipulation using religious mindsets and attachments is a clear demonstration of what is being perpetrated on mind-numbed humanity.

If only people woke up from this and similar programming we would have a different world overnight.

Sadly, most operate from preconceived, purposely placed paradigms and can’t see the forest through the trees, to put it lightly. Taking what they’re handed at face value is perhaps humanity’s biggest weakness, much like hungry, penned in animals heading to the feed trough for whatever is being offered.’

Read more: The Religious Mindset – Gateway to a New Dark Age

The post The Religious Mindset – Gateway to a New Dark Age appeared first on David Icke.

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