The Washington Post Goes Silent on Labor Abuses After Its Owner Buys Them Out

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‘In August, the New York Times published an in-depth profile of what it’s like to work for’s corporate offices. The article described an abusive environment in which employees cried at their desks and were sometimes forced to work 85-hour weeks. One woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer was threatened with termination because of the way the disease was impacting her work. Another who had miscarried twins was sent on a business trip the day after she returned from surgery.

These practices touched off increasing scrutiny of the online retail giant’s workplace culture; chief executive Jeff Bezos sent a memorandum to his employees saying the reporting did not reflect Amazon’s actual workplace practices. Still, there were no reported reforms within the company.’

Read more: The Washington Post Goes Silent on Labor Abuses After Its Owner Buys Them Out

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