This Is the Way the Empire Ends

Russia has certainly changed the storyline in the Middle East.  Not differentiating rebel forces (rebels being all forces counter to Assad); Russia fights them all – including those “moderate” forces backed by the empire.

Russian cruise missiles launched from the Caspian.  The empire’s response?

Four Russian cruise missiles fired at Syria from the Caspian Sea landed in Iran, unnamed US officials say.


Both Russia and Iran deny this.  It matters little the truth behind this minor distraction; the story on the ground has changed.  For example:

The Obama administration has ended the Pentagon’s $500 million program to train and equip Syrian rebels, administration officials said on Friday, in an acknowledgment that the beleaguered program had failed to produce any kind of ground combat forces capable of taking on the Islamic State in Syria.

At $100 million per successfully trained rebel, the empire didn’t secure much rebel bang for the buck.  One more event further exposing the current puppets:

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.

And while Assad is “a bad guy,” Trump said, the US-backed rebels who want to overthrow him are an unknown quantity:

“We always give weapons, we give billions of dollars in weapons and then they turn them against us. We have no control. So we don’t know the other people that we’re supposed to be backing. We don’t even know who we are backing.”

To wit, his comments on the Syrian imbroglio on ABC’s “This Week”:

“I think what I want to do is I want to sit back — and this does not sound like me very much — but I want to sit back, and I want to see what happens. You know, Russia got bogged down, when it was the Soviet Union, in Afghanistan. Now they’re going into Syria. There are so many traps. There are so many problems. When I heard they were going in to fight ISIS, I said, ‘Great.’”

The 0.0001% fear nuclear holocaust as much as the rest of us.

This is the way the world empire ends
This is the way the world empire ends
This is the way the world empire ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

God willing.

Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.

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