UK Higher Education Just As Corrupted As US

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‘I’m not as tuned into the UK as here, but when British institutions are firing faculty so they can have more money to erect buildings…I have to admit that’s the same caliber of madness we’re seeing in the US. The purpose of higher education is teaching and research, there’s no sane way you can construct buildings (to increase teaching and research) and simultaneously fire faculty (as this will decrease teaching and research). And yet this policy is also common in the U.S.

A recent open letter by a faculty member in the UK highlights what’s happening there, but I can’t help but be saddened. The idealism of the faculty member writing the letter is grossly misplaced, as the academic thinks he can actually reason with the Poo Bahs.

Let us consider this bold, pointless, attempt:’

Read more: UK Higher Education Just As Corrupted As US

The post UK Higher Education Just As Corrupted As US appeared first on David Icke.

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