VIP Paedophile Ring: Crime But No Punishment


‘The BBC TV Panorama programme The VIP Paedophile Ring: What’s The Truth? was broadcast on Tuesday, investigating claims that a VIP paedophile ring existed in Parliament. It has been criticised for bias and “lacking objectivity” by the campaigning investigative organisation Exaro.

Mark Watts, Exaro editor, says the programme failed to take account of the evidence from former senior police officers testifying to VIP involvement in child sexual abuse.

The Metropolitan Police are being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) for corruption relating to historical child sex abuse. The allegations by retired police officers include claims that investigations in the 1970s were halted by high-ranking officers and Special Branch after it was discovered MPs were involved.

The latest investigations are in addition to 17 inquires announced earlier this year. They all relate to claims about the suppression of evidence, officers hindering or halting investigations and claims offences were covered up.’

Read more: VIP Paedophile Ring: Crime But No Punishment

The post VIP Paedophile Ring: Crime But No Punishment appeared first on David Icke.

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