21 Signs That Americans Are The Unhappiest People In The Entire World


‘How can we possibly be so miserably unhappy? For a nation that supposedly “has it all”, we sure are depressed.

In America today, suicide rates are soaring, antidepressant use is skyrocketing and virtually every new survey that comes out shows that we are deeply dissatisfied about something. But we live at a time when there are more things to enjoy than ever before. When I was growing up there was only a handful of television channels to choose from, but now there are hundreds. We have more movies than we could ever possibly watch, more books than we could ever possibly read, and the greatest video games ever made are at our fingertips. With all of the entertainment that surrounds us, you would think that Americans would be happier than ever before, and yet we continue to become even more depressed. Everywhere I go, I see people that look like they have had the life completely sucked out of them. So why is this happening? The following are 21 signs that Americans are the unhappiest people in the entire world…’

Read more: 21 Signs That Americans Are The Unhappiest People In The Entire World

The post 21 Signs That Americans Are The Unhappiest People In The Entire World appeared first on David Icke.

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