‘A life is a life’: Corbyn accuses MSM of ignoring Beirut, Ankara attacks and focusing more on Paris


‘Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has criticized the mainstream media’s coverage of recent terrorist atrocities in Lebanon and Turkey, arguing they “got hardly any publicity” compared with the Paris attacks.
Corbyn made clear he found the Paris attacks “appalling,” but urged the press to report as faithfully on similar events outside Europe.

He accused British media of under-playing the deadly attacks by Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL) on the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and the Turkish capital, Ankara.

Some 43 people were killed and hundreds wounded in two suicide bomb attacks in a residential area of Beirut last Thursday, while explosions in Ankara last month killed 102 people and injured over 400.’

Read more: ‘A life is a life’: Corbyn accuses MSM of ignoring Beirut, Ankara attacks and focusing more on Paris

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