Actor Donald Sutherland Confirms Hunger Games is Allegory for the US

Untitled (1)‘Why would Hollywood make a movie about a dystopian future that is obviously critical of the US? Tinseltown does it all the time. The idea is to make people (and teenagers in this case) familiar with this sort of future. Robocop, many of the Schwarzenegger and Stallone movies and many other movies as well, foretell various kinds of dystopian futures. When parts of these futures arrive, the shock of their implementation is not so severe because people have seen it already.

It is a very cynical ploy, but it surely works. These movies also add to the psychological burden that most of us carry in these waning days of freedom. Such movies in foretelling the future are intended to give us a sense of hopelessness, that a dystopian future is preordained.

In fact, it is not. Those who are interested in imposing this sort of future on us have made plenty of mistakes in the past century and even more in the 21st century. Anyone who knows about the globalist timeline, knows that it has slipped considerably as they continue to run into difficulties with implementing every part of it.’

Read more: Actor Donald Sutherland Confirms Hunger Games is Allegory for the US

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