Call by global bishops for ‘complete decarbonization’ of the planet is a thinly veiled push for massive human genocide and depopulation


‘Some people have characterized the belief that Man’s industrial activity is causing global warming as being no different than having faith in a traditional religion. In fact, some have often lumped the global warming faithful in with people who believe in cults and cult figures because contrary to what Barack Obama, Al Gore and the United Nations say about the matter, climate “science” is far from “settled.”

Now, however, the global warming faithful are getting some assistance from high-ranking members of an actual religion: the Catholic Church, whose central figure, Pope Francis, has himself issued a “call to action” to reverse “climate change.”‘

Read more: Call by global bishops for ‘complete decarbonization’ of the planet is a thinly veiled push for massive human genocide and depopulation

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