Collapse Imminent! Top Analyst Says Coming in November

This summer I stated that I expected a fall crisis to happen – mostly based on my insights on an ancient timeline called the Shemitah. I produced several videos that went viral around the world.

In fact, the crisis came a few weeks early when 23 international stock markets crashed in and around August, and the Dow fell over 1,000 points intraday near the end of August.

We profited immensely from it as we were positioned for collapse and one of our speculations rose 4,500% in three days! By then we were so well known that “Shemitah” and my name were among some of the top-searched terms on Google in early September.

I still expect further market meltdowns either this year or next. The fallout from Shemitah and its trends is nowhere near finished, and I’m working on a new video explaining that.

Others have weighed in including an analyst who has called nearly every major event this year nearly down to the day.. and he has also been following the Shemitah timeline. He even called for September and October to be months that would include a rebound from the crash in August.

Now, he has predicted a crisis/crash period for November.

So far, as noted, he’s had a streak of great calls including:

  • China’s stock market peak in April 2015
  • Hong Kong market peak on April 29 2015
  • US stock market drop beginning in July 2015
  • Sharp drop in the stop market in August 2015
  • US stock market uneventful in September 2015

His name is Bo Polny of Gold2020Forecast and once I heard about his streak I contacted him and found that his theories were very much aligned with ours…

His latest call is for a November crash/crisis to occur and it certainly sounds possible. Even my mentor, Doug Casey, has recently shortened his call for a “crisis to happen in the next year” and has now stated he thinks it will begin to happen by the end of this year.

I attained an exclusive video interview with Bo Polny to hear his reasoning on why a major crisis/crash may happen in the dollar and the US markets this month as well as a major upmove in gold and silver.

You can see the interview here:

Bo Polny The Dollar Vigilante Shemitah

We don’t have long to wait to see if he is right on his timing yet again.

If not, however, we are so close now to dramatic events that you really need to be prepared now if you have not.

The markets are tenuous at best.

We called the rise in Bitcoin weeks ago and just today it was up another $75 and is currently near $435, nearly doubling now in the last month. The massive crisis to come hasn’t happened yet… and already we are up nearly 100% on bitcoin in the last month.

I see bitcoin as being a “canary in the coalmine” due to the limited ability for it to be manipulated to the extremes we’ve seen in gold and silver.

We had near triple digit gains in other gold-related investments in the last three months. If you want to participate in these sorts of gains, you’ll find all of our predictions in our TDV newsletter, published twice a month and usually exceeding 50 pages full of information on markets, preparedness, politics and general investment insights. Please visit to take advantage of our special low cost price of US$39.95 while it lasts.

Stay safe out there!

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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