Congress Wants To Seize Your Passport For Unpaid Taxes


‘Sometimes you just have to stand in awe at the level of corruption and incompetence in government.

Case in point, the new highway bill in the Land of the Free. And, trust me, you’ll love this.

The latest version of the highway bill is called the “Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy Act.”

And yes, they abbreviate it as the DRIVE Act.

I cannot even begin to imagine how large the team of monkeys is that works on these silly acronyms. And as is typical for legislation, the more high sounding the name of the law, the more destructive its consequences.’

Read more: Congress Wants To Seize Your Passport For Unpaid Taxes

The post Congress Wants To Seize Your Passport For Unpaid Taxes appeared first on David Icke.

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