Decimating ISIS: Russia Destroys 448 Terrorist Facilities in Last Three Days in Syria

‘General Konoshenkov has more good news to report on the Russian campaign against terrorism in Syria:

“Over the last three days, Russian jets made 137 sorties in the Syrian Arab Republic and destroyed 448 facilities of terrorist infrastructure in the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Idlib, Latakia, Raqqa, Hama and Homs,“

“A direct hit led to the destruction of four mortars and an ammunition depot, an airstrike by a Su-24M bomber destroyed a hangar with four tanks and one APC inside,”

“In the suburbs of Zerba, in the Idlib Province, a large Jabhat al-Nusra command center was destroyed. The facility was established over the course of the last three weeks and it was well camouflaged.”’

Read more: Decimating ISIS: Russia Destroys 448 Terrorist Facilities in Last Three Days in Syria

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