EU will pay African countries to take back migrants; new $2 billion ‘trust fund’ for continent announced


‘EU leaders will push their wary African counterparts to help tackle the migration crisis at a summit in Malta this week, offering them billions of euros in aid in exchange for taking back more people classed as economic migrants and not refugees from war.

Having recently pressed Turkey to stem the flow of Syrian refugees, Europe is turning its attention to the other main source of an unprecedented number of people fleeing across the Mediterranean.

The gathering of more than 50 leaders from both continents on Tuesday and Wednesday will see an overwhelmed Europe offer development funds in a fresh attempt by the wealthy EU to tackle the wars and poverty in Africa that are the root cause of nearly a quarter of the nearly 800,000 migrant arrivals in Europe this year.

“It’s a new impetus we want to give,” a European diplomat told AFP.’

Read more: EU will pay African countries to take back migrants; new $2 billion ‘trust fund’ for continent announced

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