Here’s What The Media Won’t Tell You About The 2016 NDAA


‘The annual military budget has been approved by U.S. lawmakers and is expected to be signed by President Obama, but what are we not being told?

On Tuesday the U.S. Senate approved the latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2016. Voting 91 to 3 last week, the Senate approved the revised bill, which includes $607 billion in defense spending as well as $5 billion in cuts. The bill then passed the U.S. House of Representatives.

Obama vetoed the previous version of the bill because it would have limited the transfer of detainees from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to the United States. However, the new version of the bill retained provisions which will likely prevent Obama from keeping his promise to close Guantanamo.’

Read more: Here’s What The Media Won’t Tell You About The 2016 NDAA

The post Here’s What The Media Won’t Tell You About The 2016 NDAA appeared first on David Icke.

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