High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy


‘A young, “high functioning” autistic boy named Ramses from Los Angeles, California, is being described as “one of the smartest five year olds on the planet” by neuroscientists. It’s a situation that is baffling experts. The boy’s mother, Nyx Sanguino, says her son is able to recite words in Hebrew, Greek, Arabic and Japanese. She says Ramses is even knowledgeable of square roots and rudimentary algebra problems. He can accurately draw the entire periodic table – and he’s reportedly able to recite up to 38 numbers written out of sight.

“Even when he was a baby he didn’t like toys, he just liked reading. He started reading when he was 12 months old and could even say words in English, Spanish, Greek and some Japanese,” Sanguino said, according to the Daily Mail.’

Read more: High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy

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