Israeli agents disguised as protesters draw guns on youth

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‘The road leading to a military checkpoint at Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem has become a theater of regular confrontation with Israeli forces as Palestinian youths have protested on a daily basis throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip since the beginning of October.

Those protests have been met with brutal force by the military.

Twenty-six Palestinians were killed during demonstrations last month, including 28-year-old Mutaz Zawahreh, who was shot dead by an Israeli soldier during a protest near Rachel’s Tomb.

A place of pilgrimage for Muslim, Christian and Jewish worshippers, but currently only accessible to the latter, Rachel’s Tomb is located in northern Bethlehem. Once a thriving commercial area, the area has been completely walled off by Israel and fortified with military checkpoints, cutting off the main artery between Bethlehem and Jerusalem.’

Read more: Israeli agents disguised as protesters draw guns on youth

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