Movisol Intervenes in Meeting of Scientists Against Climate Fraud in Italy

On Wednesday Oct. 28, a meeting of Italian scientists took place in Padua, Italy, to offer a different view of climate science to the one pushed by the IPCC. The meeting was organized by the Associazione Termotecnica Italiana, a member of which invited also representatives of the LaRouche movement.

The most interesting speech was given by Nicola Scafetta, of Duke University and Naples University, who demonstrated that the IPCC neglects several natural oscillations in its 150-year-long temperature curve. Such oscillations have a centuries, thousands of years-long cycle. The IPCC considers only light radiation, neglecting the magnetic activity of the Sun and the motions of the large planets. If such data are inserted in the IPCC algorithm, they draw a temperature curve that 1) reproduces the “pause” in temperature increase during the last ten years; 2) reproduces the two cooling periods, one in the late ancient era and the other one in the 1600-1700s; and 3) forecasts for 2100 a temperature increase of just 2 degrees instead of 4 degrees.

By reducing by 50% the so-called anthropogenic factor and amplifying by 4-5 times the astronomical factor, a curve is obtained which explains the past, the present and, allows mankind, faced with the choice of either fighting a dubious temperature increase, or adapting to climate, to chose the latter option, “instead of destroying the economy in the attempt to control climate,” as Scafetta put it.

During the discussion period after the last panel, Movisol representative Flavio Tabanelli intervened by mentioning the work of Vernadsky, nuclear fusion, and the need to worry about how to keep the planet warm, because of the forecast of a long-term cooling. Several contacts were made during the event.

See the full story behind the climate change fraud here.

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