New Paul Driessen Statement: The Only Climate Crisis to Discuss Is Stopping Tens of Thousands of Refugees From Freezing to Death

If the climate change alarmists want to discuss the real environmental crisis on the horizon at the upcoming UN COP21 Paris climate extravaganza, they should be formulating a plan to prevent the freezing to death of tens of thousands of refugees in Europe. This is the theme of a new statement, “Terrorism and a Cold Winter Refugee Crisis,” posted Nov. 19 by scientists Paul Driessen and Joe D’Aleo, with Allan MacRae and Madhav Khandekar, on, and now on many other sites.

As they explain, tens of thousands of European citizens have frozen to death during winters of extremely cold weather, which, in fact, is what Europe has experienced in much of the past decade. These dramatic swings in temperature are, in fact, caused not by human activity, but by the Sun and other related factors. But it is the action taken by policymakers that will make the difference between life and death.

The authors point out that in extremely cold years, the U.S. can experience about 100,000 excess deaths. Overall, they report, there are 20 times more deaths from extreme cold, than extreme heat. For the refugees, in “extreme poverty, [with] poor nutrition, inadequate clothing and blankets, pre-existing diseases, and makeshift housing,” the excess winter death toll could be staggering; even higher than the 50,000 excess winter deaths in the U.K.

“When a million refugees are freezing in squalid conditions with inadequate shelter, food, heat, clothing and medical care, and 1.3 billion people still do not have electricity—why would the world commit to spend billions on alleged future global warming catastrophes?” they ask. “We must acknowledge that horrific computer model scenarios do not reflect planetary reality…”

“It would be an unconscionable crime against humanity, if the nations gathering in Paris implement policies to protect our planet’s energy-deprived masses from hypothetical manmade climate disasters decades from now, by perpetuating poverty and disease that kill millions more people tomorrow. These are the real reasons climate change is a critical moral issue” they emphasize. “We need to recognize that, and stop playing games with people’s lives.”

Paul Driessen is an analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). A recent interview with Driessen appears in the new EIR Special Report, “Global Warming Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science.” Joe D’Aleo, an American Meteorological Society Fellow, co-founded The Weather Channel.

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