One Governor’s Horrifying Proposal to Treating Heroin Addicts Will Surprise You


‘Confronting an opioid crisis that has already claimed hundreds of Massachusetts lives this year, Gov. Charlie Baker has proposed legislation that would allow doctors and other medical professionals to hold addicts against their will for three days.

Critics warn that the measure lacks evidence to support it, would violate civil liberties, and could even scare users away from seeking needed medical attention.

“The governor’s proposal is so radical I don’t think there’s any research specific on it, because nothing like this has ever been done,” says Bill Piper, director of national affairs at the Drug Policy Alliance. “We do know that treatment is generally more effective when it’s voluntary. You can’t force people to quit using drugs. It just doesn’t work.”’

Read more: One Governor’s Horrifying Proposal to Treating Heroin Addicts Will Surprise You

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