Revealed: Bilderberg seeks to quietly sieze control of Portuguese government


‘Revelations uncovered by journalist Rui Pedro Antunes has exposed how the highly secretive Bilderberg Group has quietly sought to gain control over the Portuguese government.

In all, at least 73 members of the Portuguese Government have been invited to attend the controversial annual three day meetings.

The Bilderberg Group is possibly most influential organisation of its kind, and has been labelled as a ‘secret government’ which decides and shapes global policy across a wide range of issues.

The shocking figure includes 43 past and present ministers, 8 secretaries of state, 12 political party leaders, 5 prime ministers, including former prime minister Francisco Pinto Balsemão who held the position on the Bilderberg Steering Committee for 3 decades.’

Read more: Revealed: Bilderberg seeks to quietly sieze control of Portuguese government

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