The Transhumanism Fantasy is a Failure for Humanity


‘Darwin once called humans living, self-replicating machines. While it is true that we are divided from the rest of the animal kingdom due to our ability to discern the scent of a rose from a peony, and have emotions that either enflame us or calm our minds, completely isolated from purely environmental stimuli, our humanness has been overlooked, often dismissed even, as an evolutionary stumbling block, not the gift that it truly is.

This, perhaps, is the philosophical error which has led to the belief that we need to be something more than human – trans-human – with adapted parts like a robot, or machine, rather than an ever-evolving, biological encasing of energy, ideas, and spirituality that will, in its own time, realize its perfect nature.

The idea of transhumanism completely blurs the lines between machine and (wo)man. Utilizing cloning, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and more, people in support of this dangerous movement could arguably practice genetic cleansing that would make Nazi Germany or the ethnic ‘washing’ of Bosnian Muslims, Polynesians, Serbo-Coratians, Syrians, Native Americans, etc. look like a parlor trick.’

Read more: The Transhumanism Fantasy is a Failure for Humanity

The post The Transhumanism Fantasy is a Failure for Humanity appeared first on David Icke.

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