Turkey-NATO Crisis Sets Scene For Europe’s New ‘EU Army’

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‘They say there are no coincidences in politics and foreign affairs.

Less than 72 hours after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter inside of Syrian airspace, moves are already afoot to increase the role of Europe in Syria. The Russian plane’s downing has already frozen Russian-Turkish relations, and neither side shows any sign of backing down on this issue.

Germany has now joined the party this week by revealing its intention to deploy ground troops in the fight against ISIS. Angela Merkel’s government announced its plan to send 100 Bundeswehr Special Forces into Northern Iraq to support of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces.

Britain is not far behind either, as David Cameron intensifies his lobbying efforts to get his country into the war in Syria.’

Read more: Turkey-NATO Crisis Sets Scene For Europe’s New ‘EU Army’

The post Turkey-NATO Crisis Sets Scene For Europe’s New ‘EU Army’ appeared first on David Icke.

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