UK: France can use Cyprus base for ISIS strikes


‘British Prime Minister David Cameron says he has offered France the use of RAF base in Cyprus for carrying out airstrikes against ISIL terrorists.

“I have offered President Hollande the use of RAF Akrotiri for French aircraft engaged in counter-ISIL operations and additional assistance for air-to-air refueling,” Cameron said during a joint press conference with French president at the Elysee Palace on Monday.

“We must also do more to defeat Isil in their heartlands in Syria and Iraq. Later this week in parliament I will set out our comprehensive strategy for tackling Isil. I firmly support the action President Hollande has taken to strike Isil in Syria and it is my firm conviction that Britain should do so too. Of course, that will be a decision for parliament to make,” Cameron added.’

Read more: UK: France can use Cyprus base for ISIS strikes

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