Unreported Crimes against Humanity: More Than 800 Women and Children Have Died in Yemen, and No One Has Food

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‘Yemen’s humanitarian and human rights catastrophe continues to worsen, according to new UN figures which put the number of killed since late March at more than 5,700.

Speaking to reporters in Cairo by videoconference, the UN’s humanitarian coordinator for Yemen Johannes Van Der Klauww said that 830 of the dead were women and children. UN officials had earlier put the total number of civilians killed at more than 2,600.

As the death toll in the conflict pitting Saudi-led coalition forces against Shia Houthi rebels and their allies continues to rise, humanitarian conditions have only grown more dire, said the coordinator. 21.2 million people in the country – 82 percent of its entire population – are in need of some sort of humanitarian assistance.’

Read more: Unreported Crimes against Humanity: More Than 800 Women and Children Have Died in Yemen, and No One Has Food

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