US saddled with debts of $65 trillion: Former comptroller


‘The real US debt is over three times bigger than what is officially announced, standing at about $65 trillion, says the former comptroller general.

When all of the country’s unfunded liabilities are added up, the national debt is [over]three times as much the oft-cited figure of $18 trillion, said Dave Walker, who headed the Government Accountability Office (GAO) under former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

“If you end up adding to that $18.5 trillion the unfunded civilian and military pensions and retiree healthcare, the additional underfunding for Social Security, the additional underfunding for Medicare, various commitments and contingencies that the federal government has, the real number is about $65 trillion rather than $18 trillion, and it’s growing automatically absent reforms,” Walker told host John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 in an interview airing Sunday.’

Read more: US saddled with debts of $65 trillion: Former comptroller

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