Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Claims Saudi Arabia is the Largest Donor to ‘Sunni Terrorists’ Worldwide


‘Wikileaks has struck again; this time, they have revealed a U.S. government cable sent from the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to the U.S. Treasury office that specifically alluded to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s substantial financial donations to international terrorist groups fighting the U.S. Armed Forces.

According to an introductory cable that discussed Saudi Arabia’s background:

“Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”

Secretary of State Clinton followed this statement up with the following:

“Continued senior level USG engagement is needed to build-on initial efforts and encourage the Saudi government to take more steps to stem the flow of funds from Saudi Arabia-backed sources to terrorists and extremists worldwide.”’

Read more: Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Claims Saudi Arabia is the Largest Donor to ‘Sunni Terrorists’ Worldwide

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