Yatsenyuk: ‘We will not pay the aggressor state our $3 billion debt’


‘Kiev will not pay Russia the $3 billion debt owed to it, unless other conditions of the restructuring are applied. This was stated by Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

“I said to other lenders there are other conditions to be met or you will not receive the debt. The basic condition is reducing debt by 20%, the transfer of all debts of four years. If you do not like this, then you will receive the decision of the government of Ukraine via a moratorium on paying Russia the $3 billion. It is very easy to explain to our neighbours and the aggressor state: we will not pay $3 billion “,— quotes “RIA Novosti” citing the Prime Minister of Ukraine.’

Read more: Yatsenyuk: ‘We will not pay the aggressor state our $3 billion debt’

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