90% of U.S. population could be wiped out with doomsday electromagnetic weapon … Pentagon woefully unprepared


‘There is growing alarm among defense planners about the uptick in nuclear weapons development taking place among the various great powers, including the United States, Russia, India and China, as well as lesser powers like North Korea and Pakistan. Missile defense is, in part, to some degree designed to mitigate the threat of a nuclear attack via ICBM.

But the Pentagon is dreadfully unprepared for the fallout from an electromagnetic pulse, generated either from a nuclear explosion over our country, or from an EMP created by a giant solar flare, for which there is no defense, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

What’s more, the U.S. is not only lagging behind in terms of defending itself against EMP weapons, it is behind in the development of its own design – though Boeing is at least one American defense contractor working on a prototype, the paper said in online editions.’

Read more: 90% of U.S. population could be wiped out with doomsday electromagnetic weapon … Pentagon woefully unprepared

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