BBC Censors Skepticism of Human-caused Climate Change


‘The censoring of a program which had run on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) illustrates what lengths the proponents of the anthropogenic (man-made) global warming theory will go to advance their viewpoint.

Quentin Letts (shown) recently wrote an article for the U.K.’s Daily Mail about the incident, in which he explained that his “What’s The Point Of … ?” series on BBC was a “chatty, personal look” at certain British institutions such as the Tate Gallery or the National Trust, giving their pros and cons.

Though the half-hour show is intended to be “absurdly comical” at times, his program entitled “What’s The Point of the MET Office?” — in which Letts examined the history of weather-forecasting in Britain — was considered no laughing matter by the devotees of the widely debunked theory of man-made global climate change.’

Read more: BBC Censors Skepticism of Human-caused Climate Change

The post BBC Censors Skepticism of Human-caused Climate Change appeared first on David Icke.

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