Boy Using Cannabis Oil: I’d Rather Be Illegally Alive Than Legally Dead


‘A young teenager who had to be rescued out of a lake in which he had nearly drowned was infected with bacteria, supposedly, that “triggered” his Crohn’s disease, an extremely debilitating inflammation of the bowels and intestines that can be terminal.

The bacterial infection in the water was the medical explanation given for Coltyn Turner’s sudden downturn in his health. His treatment involved antibiotics initially, but soon turned to useless drugs with powerful side effects to resolve his sudden outbreak of Crohn’s Disease.

Lindita Rrahmani commented on the MAM (Millions Against Monsanto) facebook page , “He got a bacterial infection, and… it triggered Crohn’s disease”. No, the antibiotics Big Pharma paid his doctor to give him caused the Crohn’s.’

Read more: Boy Using Cannabis Oil: I’d Rather Be Illegally Alive Than Legally Dead

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