Clinton gestapo demands personal information from comedians who revealed her campaign to be a complete joke


‘Telling jokes that are not flattering to Hillary Clinton is no laughing matter, several comedians discovered recently, after she sicced some of her campaign goons on the owner of a historic Hollywood comedy club, following performances by several talented up-and-comers who mocked various aspects of her wardrobe and personality.

As noted by Judicial Watch, a legal watchdog group based in Washington, D.C., what the former first lady, U.S. senator and Secretary of State did, “appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender.”

As you can see in a short video summary of various performances on the website of the renowned club, the Laugh Factory, much of the humor is off-color, but satirical humor always is. However, in what the club has titled, “Hillary Clinton vs. the First Amendment,” the Clinton campaign has not only demanded that it be taken down, but also wanted to know the personal contact information of the performers.’

Read more: Clinton gestapo demands personal information from comedians who revealed her campaign to be a complete joke

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