Corsica bans all rallies following series of violent anti-Muslim protests


‘The French island of Corsica has banned all demonstrations in a low-income neighborhood of its capital Ajaccio recently plagued by violent anti-Muslim protests, including the ransacking of a Muslim prayer house, and burning copies of the Koran.

The decree banning protests in the volatile neighborhood of Jardins de l’Empereur until January 4 was issued by Corsica’s prefect Christophe Mirmand.

“It is an order that was taken last night as part of a state of emergency… Instigation of hatred is an offence that can lead to criminal proceedings,” he said, as cited by France Info.

However, despite of the ban, hundreds of demonstrators still took to the streets on Sunday. Police blocked anti-Muslim protesters trying to reach Jardins de l’Empereur, Ruptly reports.’

Read more: Corsica bans all rallies following series of violent anti-Muslim protests

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