Cui Bono? New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Motives


‘A key question in many investigations is: Who benefits? In Latin we say: Cui bono? So, as we continue to investigate chemtrails and geoengineering, let us inquire as to who benefits from this New Manhattan Project. What might be the advantages of conducting a global weather modification project such as this? This article examines the New Manhattan Project’s motives.

If you do not know what the New Manhattan Project is, please refer to the author’s previous work “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project.”

It is incredibly bold to routinely dump megatons of toxic metals into our atmosphere. Committing crimes of this magnitude, openly in the sky above us, could very well lead to new Nuremberg trials. Considering the level of risk involved, what might be the rewards for these outrageous crimes against Humanity?’

Read more: Cui Bono? New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Motives

The post Cui Bono? New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Motives appeared first on David Icke.

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