Financial Markets Crashed, Including the Dollar. What Happened?


‘So what exactly happened last Thursday? The markets (including the dollar) crashed …and this was not supposed to happen?

It’s actually quite easy to understand if you see what they did was “only a test” … Do you understand what I mean when I say a “test”?

I will explain shortly but first, the Fed came out with piggybacked governors talking about a rate hike. Hilarious on the face of it if you just look at the U.S. economic implosion going on.

But let’s assume this is reality, the Fed really wants to hike rates (they do not “want to”, they HAVE to). For the sake of saving face and retaining any credibility they absolutely MUST raise interest rates after seven years …how do they do this?’

Read more: Financial Markets Crashed, Including the Dollar. What Happened?

The post Financial Markets Crashed, Including the Dollar. What Happened? appeared first on David Icke.

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