Greece Loses Last Trace Of Sovereignty After EU Takes Control Of Greek Borders

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‘Ever since this summer’s dramatic “referendum” farce, and the subsequent hijacking of the Greek banking system by the ECB’s ELA, Greece has officially been a nation without state sovereignty. Europe reminded Greece of just this a few days ago when days after its waved the carrot before Turkey promising billions in aid, and an EU acceptance fast track, it threatened Greece with expulsion from the Schengen customs union (a union which as a subsequent leak revealed will likely be “temporarily” shuttered for as long as two years unless the refugee crisis is brought under control).

Perhaps to confirm that few things will stand in its mission-creep to subjugate the sovereignty of European member states, starting with the poorest and most insolvent, namely Greece, we find out that the EU and its border agency, is not only preparing to take over border control of countries that have been found to be “ill-equipped” to deal with the refugee problem, but has already launched this plan into action in Greece.’

Read more: Greece Loses Last Trace Of Sovereignty After EU Takes Control Of Greek Borders

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