Lyndon and Helga LaRouche Interviewed on China Radio International

Lyndon and Helga LaRouche were interviewed on Dec. 27th by China Radio International on the occasion of the launching of the AIIB. Replying to a question on the AIIB and the decision to use the dollar for their first loans, LaRouche said that the dollar was in a rapid state of collapse because of the collapse of the U.S. economy, while China and the renminbi (RMB) were on the way up.  With all its problems, the Chinese economy is moving forward, he said, while the U.S. economy is collapsing. The danger, he noted, was that the U.S. under the British-dominated Obama Administration, may try to launch nuclear war to prevent these positive developments from moving forward.

Helga LaRouche noted that the direction the U.S. would take in the coming year would be absolutely critical. “From the beginning, President Xi Jinping has invited the United States to collaborate in this project, and it continues to remain open to all,” she said. The United States could respond in an imperial fashion and try to sabotage these positive developments and the new directionality in economic thought represented by the AIIB and the New Development Bank, she said. Or, the U.S. could take the real interests of the American people to heart and respond positively to this new economic order by joining the AIIB and collaborating with China and its partners in developing the world economy.

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