One of the Most Elite Think Tanks Held a Secret Panel to Counter the Growing Movement Criticizing Israel

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‘Last June, Haim Saban and Sheldon Adelson held a secret summit in Las Vegas to come up with ways of fighting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign on college campuses. They raised a reported $50 million to do so.

Well now that secret process seems to have moved on to far more influential turf, to Washington, D.C., and a leading liberal thinktank: last week the Brookings Institution held a secret panel on BDS, sponsored by Haim Saban. By all appearances, the intent of the panel was to counter the BDS campaign.

The panel took place during the weekend-long annual Saban Forum, which brings Israeli leaders and US leaders together to talk about “the future for Israelis and Palestinians”–without any Palestinians in attendance. The BDS panel was among many meetings December 4-6 not mentioned on the Saban Forum’s public agenda.’

Read more: One of the Most Elite Think Tanks Held a Secret Panel to Counter the Growing Movement Criticizing Israel

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