Only Cop Charged in Raid that Maimed a Baby is Acquitted – Police Still Blaming Toddler & Family


‘“How is America going to justify this?” exclaimed Bounkham Phonesavankh after a federal jury in Georgia acquitted the former sheriff’s deputy whose perjured affidavit precipitated a SWAT raid that nearly cost the life of his 19-month-old son.

“How can we explain this? I thought this country was built with the truth, and not a bunch of corruption and lying like this. I almost lost my life, my family, my son.”

Phonesavankh’s namesake son, known by the nickname Bou-Bou, was nearly burned to death in his sleep by a flash-bang grenade hurled into his crib during a 2:00 a.m. no-knock SWAT raid by the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office on their home in Cornelia in May 2014.’

Read more: Only Cop Charged in Raid that Maimed a Baby is Acquitted – Police Still Blaming Toddler & Family

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