Racist Twitter and Facebook users shamed by having their messages posted on giant billboards in Brazil


‘In an effort to curb intolerance, the racist Tweets of Brazilian citizens are being printed on massive billboards near their homes. The campaign was launched after a black TV weather presenter was the subject of racist taunts online.

The “Virtual Racism, Real Consequences” campaign is organized by civil rights group Criola, which uses geotagging data to determine the location of racist Twitter and Facebook users. Those tweets are then printed on billboards in the offenders’ communities.

“Those people [who post abuse online]think they can sit in the comfort of their homes and do whatever they want on the Internet. We don’t let that happen. They can’t hide from us, we will find them,” Criola founder Jurema Werneck told the BBC.’

Read more: Racist Twitter and Facebook users shamed by having their messages posted on giant billboards in Brazil

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