Sum Ting Wong

According to CBS’ L.A. affiliates, neighbors of Muslim mass murderers Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik noticed some very suspicious things going on at the couple’s apartment in the days and weeks leading to the horrific massacre that took fourteen lives, but they chose not to report anything, for fear of being labeled “racist.”

As Yoda might have said had he taught racial-sensitivity courses instead of Jedi training, “Conditioned well they are.” Political correctness wins again. Fourteen innocent lives lost, but at least no one was racist. I’m hardly being facetious. To the PC crowd, “racism” is worse than murder, and any outcome that ends in death rather than racism is considered a positive one. It takes decades of training to create a population as frightened to death of appearing racist as whites in the West are today. This kind of thing doesn’t just happen overnight. As Rodgers and Hammerstein phrased it (in a different context), “You’ve got to be carefully taught.”

Back in 1997, I was living with a young lady named Sarah. Sarah was an up-and-coming actress. She was very bright, and very observant. Sadly, she was also Canadian. She had grown up during the “boom” years of the Canadian antiracist witch hunts (Zündel, Ross, Keegstra, etc.). These were headline-grabbing events in that nation all throughout the 1980s. The government’s message was clear—be a white racist, go to jail (and “racism,” of course, is whatever the government tells you it is).

Sarah’s conditioning accompanied her to L.A., where she worked as a salesclerk at a store in a high-end shopping mall in Manhattan Beach. One afternoon, while she was working alone, two guys who “just so happened to be black” came in wearing disguises. Fake curly black wigs and phony bushy mustaches (apparently, Avery Schreiber has black love-children). The two costumed men chose thousands of dollars of merchandise and insisted on paying with an out-of-state check. The store had a no-checks-allowed policy, but even with the obvious red flag of the disguises, and even though it was policy not to take checks regardless of the race of the customer, Sarah accepted the check and let them walk out with the stuff. Naturally, the check turned out to be bad. Sarah would later tell the police that she thought it would have been “racist” to deny the transaction. And although she cost her employer thousands of dollars in lost merchandise, she wasn’t fired. Her employer agreed that Sarah did the right thing; better to go broke and lose your business than appear racist.

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The post Sum Ting Wong appeared first on LewRockwell.

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