The government’s terrorism adviser just resigned, for reasons that should worry us all


‘Home Office terrorism adviser, Jahan Mahmood, has resigned claiming that terrorism policing is causing radicalisation and “an atmosphere of fear”.

His resignation comes as figures show nearly two thirds of those arrested for terrorism offences are released without charge. Out of 289 terrorism arrests in 2014, only 102 were later charged, making up just 35% of the figures. Mr Mahmood stated “There are simply too many arrests”, further commenting that the climate of fear is leading counter terrorism officers to make arrests on “very flimsy evidence”.

These views are backed up by a poll earlier in the year which found 1 in 4 Muslims view the actions of the police and MI5 as being responsible for the radicalisation of young people. A spokesperson for the Muslim Council of Britain stated:’

Read more: The government’s terrorism adviser just resigned, for reasons that should worry us all

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