Ukraine’s Nazi Government Tries to Sell Stolen Art

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‘On December 7th, the Netherlands Times headlined “Ukrainian Secret Service Accused of Trading in Stolen Dutch Paintings,” and Janene Pieters reported that, “Members of the Ukrainian secret service SBU played a role in trying to trade the paintings stolen from the Westfries Museum in 2005, stolen art expert Arthur Brand revealed in the press conference about the stolen paintings in the museum on Monday.

… On Monday morning the museum announced that the 24 stolen paintings were traced to a Ukrainian militia, which is trying to sell them for a large amount of money. The museum called in Brand to help negotiate for the return of the paintings after attempts through the international police organization Interpol failed.” Both the thieves and the marketers are so highly placed that Interpol refuses to become involved. So: the Museum is appealing to the public for help.’

Read more: Ukraine’s Nazi Government Tries to Sell Stolen Art

The post Ukraine’s Nazi Government Tries to Sell Stolen Art appeared first on David Icke.

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