Unable To Stop Criminals, Texas Cops Now Pull You Over For ‘Driving Safely’ To ‘Reward’ You


‘Police in Lakeview, Texas are routinely conducting traffic stops without probable cause that a violation has occurred – and have packaged these unlawful detentions in a way that has earned media approval.

The pretext offered by the department is its “Doing it Right Safe Driving Campaign,” through which officers who lurk in the shadows like rapists stop drivers who appear to be following all of the rules and then given Starbucks gift certificates – but only if a scan of the driver’s license and registration reveals no outstanding warrants or violations. The confused and anxious motorists are not told the purpose of the traffic stop until the officer returns with the surprise gift – which is actually a species of Trojan Horse that permits the officer to sneak a peek at the driver’s record without a legally valid reason.’

Read more: Unable To Stop Criminals, Texas Cops Now Pull You Over For ‘Driving Safely’ To ‘Reward’ You

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