Why has the UK media declared war on anyone who doesn’t want to launch one?


‘Ever since Jeremy Corbyn became a real challenger for the Labour party leadership earlier this year, his foreign policy positions have been the focus of attention in the mainstream media. Recently, his continued support for the Stop the War Coalition has come under particular scrutiny. But why are corporate media outlets so obsessed with delegitimising anti-war policies and activists?

The Stop the War Coalition (StWC) was founded back in 2001 in response to George W. Bush’s call for a ‘war on terror’. It has since criticised “the British establishment’s disastrous addiction to war and its squandering of public resources on militarism”, seeking both to prevent and end wars waged by British forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria.’

Read more: Why has the UK media declared war on anyone who doesn’t want to launch one?

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