Buyer beware: Airbnb considers illegal West Bank settlements to be in Israel, gets backlash


‘Airbnb has come under fire from Palestinian officials and activists for listing dozens of houses for rent in the illegal Israeli settlements of the West Bank. Critics accuse the website of profiting from stolen Palestinian land.

The US-based online service advertises hundreds of accommodations for tourists “in Israel” that are, in fact, situated in the West Bank, meaning potential clients will most probably not comprehend that they will be vacationing on illegally occupied land.

One such listing flagged by Al Jazeera that describes a three-bedroom rental home “15 minutes from Jerusalem” as “inspiring,” in reality offers accommodation in the West Bank settlement of Tekoa, which is now under Israeli military control. In accordance with the Oslo Accords, it should have been returned to the Palestinian Authority by 1999, but this never happened.’

Read more: Buyer beware: Airbnb considers illegal West Bank settlements to be in Israel, gets backlash

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